
關於競賽題目 編號 NSPOTaiwan02

如果你有全球10年的溫度,你要做什麼? - 創新的大氣數據應用  Application of global atmospheric observation : Innovative atmospheric data application - by NSPO Taiwan



Global atmospheric data are persistently observed from space. FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC consists of six micro satellites, designed to monitor terrestrial and space weather.

There are more than 10 years global atmospheric temperature, pressure, water vapor and ionospheric electron density observed by satellite constellation from 2006 (you can find those datas on the following website : http://gox.colife.org.tw).


Define some targets field (agricultural industries, tourism ...) and define the innovative business model.

This business plan have to to meet the challenge requirements and must be optimized for the weather prediction.

For example, the flight shipping time could be precisely estimated with a better weather prediction. Imagine a service focused on a business model that can be improved by using the weather data.

Make a video or image to demonstrate your innovation.
Design a user-friendly interface depending on the weather related business.
Create a process model from atmospheric raw data that can be available for users.



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